Capitalization Rules
There are many times when a word or words must be capitalized. Here are ten capitalization rules you should know and use. An example is shown for each rule.• Capitalize the first word of a sentence.
It is important to know when a word must be capitalized.• Capitalize the pronoun "I."
Do you think I should study for another hour?• Capitalize proper nouns (names of specific people, places, events, and organizations).
I believe that George Washington was our greatest president.• Capitalize days of the week, holidays, and months of the year.
We usually go on vacation during July and August.• Capitalize the first word in a quote.
I was pleased when my teacher said to me, "You are a wonderful student."• Capitalize the name of a language.
Next year I will study Spanish literature.• Capitalize the official title of a person when used with that person's name.
My friend told me that Dr. Hawkins is a great chemistry teacher.• Capitalize initials in someone's name.
My favorite author is J. R. R. Tolkien.• Capitalize the first word of a salutation or closing.
With warmest regards,• Capitalize the first word and last words and each important word in the title of a book, movie, etc. Do not capitalize little words within a title (e.g.,a, an, and. as, if, for, or, the). Also, do not capitalize prepositions.
Amanda Warren
I was very moved when I read To Kill a Mockingbird.There are many capitalization rules. Knowing and using these ten rules is a good start.